Sunday, February 6, 2011

When It All Began! November 2000!

We had quite an unusual story of how we got together. We both grew up in Utah County and even knew each other in High School but never dated. After graduation we both went on a 3 week church history tour together with about 100 other students. During the course of the 3 weeks, Alyssa wrote in her journal how nice Spencer seemed to be and that he was always carrying her bags for her.  Shortly after, Spencer served his mission to Germany. About half way through his mission he was made missionary companions with Alyssa's nephew.  Alyssa wrote her nephew and told him she was "definately" interested in him and to "set her up!"  When Spencer returned home, his family had moved to Colorado and so did he. So, our relationship began through letters and phone calls and a few weekend visits to see each other. Six months later, Alyssa left for her mission to Russia. Spencer wasn't the best writer and there were several times when Alyssa thought for sure he was a "gonner". However, once she returned home, they were engaged within two months and married two months after that! (Married October 27, 2000).


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Photos Of Our Family

Family and Friends

 The James Family- Spencer's parents, siblings, and families!

Isaac's friend Halloween party 2010

Alyssa's sister Amber w/ son Johnny

Spencer and his Dad

Grandma Allridge and Afton

Hiking with the Haughtons

Grandma James, Spencer's sister Richelle, grandson James

Grandma Allridge, cousin Johnny, and Isaac - Disneyland
Afton and friend Holland

Afton and "Grandpa" (Uncle) Tim, cousin Rosa

Alyssa's neice Lisa and son James

Afton's friends - Halloween Party 2010
Isaac and cousin Jack on Space Mountain - Fall 2010
Isaac and Spencer
Afton and sweet cousin Emery

Friend Lindsay w/ baby Max
"Geo cashing" with the Spencer's in the desert

Spencer's brother Chris and his wife Brooke
Alyssa's sister Michele

Spencer's sisters and Alyssa
Alyssa's brother Dallan and sister-in-law Suzy

Spencer's mom with baby Afton

The Allridge Family- (Alyssa's parents and siblings)

Kids with Minnie

Afton with cousin Avery !
Spencer, Spencer's Dad, Isaac- bringing home the tree! 2010